Sunday, September 21, 2008

Our Molo Tree

This is our Molo tree. I have to add this into our blog. It's actually a rainbow shower tree. Not sure what the scientific name is but this is the story. Molo is actually the name of our great dog of many years ago. He was a typical "poi" dog that someone gave to us. He resembled a golden retriever/ labrador. He was a wonderful friend to us all and was very obedient and friendly. He was a great watchdog also. He was fairly good sized so he could be intimidating even though a pussycat at heart. He eventually got old like the rest of us and started to go blind etc. He could hear well or smell, whichever though. When someone would come to visit our home and walk down the driveway you would hear a deep "woof, woof" out of the bushes somewhere. It was funny to hear this out of the tall grass or from behind the tree. No dog, just a "woof,woof".......When he finally passed away we wanted to always remember him fondly, as I know his life from a puppy to old age was our home and family. We all really missed him and his aloha's. We decided the proper thing to do, that he would appreciate, was to bury him beneath our favorite type of tree at the top of the property. This way he will always be there to welcome all who come and go. Our tree that keeps on giving.........our Molo tree.

1 comment:

Malia said...

Yup that's the spot... the family hang out to escape the heat under the shade tree. The kids love the swings too!